Multi Cloud Management

//Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

Multi Cloud Solutions & Services

When you incorporate a multi-cloud architecture into your IT strategy, you will be aligning your business requirements with the best service providers for the job, therefore making it much more tailored for your customer’s needs.

When you automate the multi-cloud management process, you’ll benefit from much more effective workload coordination and hybrid workflows, as well as being able to integrate DevOps processes to further drive your organization’s digital infrastructure forward.

There’s nothing worse than your key bits of technology failing when you need them the most, so it’s always important to have a risk management strategy in place. By opting for multi-cloud architecture, you add an extra layer of protection to your business.

Each cloud provider you use is responsible for their own data protection, which means you can rely on your own confidential information to be well protected without having to do anything your side. However, making sure your vendors are regularly assessing your network security will be key, especially as your infrastructure and software changes over time.  


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Cloud Scale ® Powered Multi Cloud Solutions & Services

Multi Cloud Management

"Our experienced Cloud Scale® experts can help you determine the best cost optimised solutions."

Multi Cloud is a combination of on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, and edge to build, operate, access and secure their applications.

A multi-cloud service abstracts functionality into one platform and reduces complexity compared to individually consuming the equivalent native services from multiple clouds. In this model, the public clouds and data center and

edge locations are all “verticals” and the multi-cloud services are “horizontal”, providing functionality across these locations. Multi-cloud services extend and complement the native services on each cloud, while also providing consistency across clouds, edge an on-prem.

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