Cloud Native Security & Compliance challenges
At present with increasing dependency on cloud technology it is becoming challenging for an organisation to meet its security goals. Since the cloud vendors are evolving rapidly while some still haven’t extended their security operations to a level upon which an organisation can rely completely.
When a business is progressively being conducted online. Compliance is the biggest challenge faced by organizations today. The sheer quantity of data at present is staggering and to keep that data secure and private is a constant battle.

Cloud security challenges
An organisation should be prepared to face cloud computing related compliance challenges . And one of the major Cloud Security threat is “misconfiguration”. When any cloud related tool or application is not configured properly it leads to “misconfiguration” thus exposing the system and leading it to a potential attack or data leak. That is followed by unauthorized – Identity access, Account hijacking and insecure interfaces.
Migration of cloud from one channel to off premises is also a major source of concern data compliance for executives and security experts.
Meeting Data Compliance Challenges Makes Good Business
To prepare for Cloud native compliance challenges an organisation should follow some holistic approach for data
security like –
- All devices that connect to your network should be controlled remotely through some software,
- strict data accessibility policies as well as regular cloud native security and accessibility training for personnel,
- comprehensive network security and other encapsulated caching systems must be adopted.
Maintaining cloud security compliance isn’t just shielding yourself legally. Data contravention can reveal confidential information and other Trade secrets that can cause serious damage to an organisation’s business and developing a tough data security plan before issue arises can reduce the data compliance challenges you are likely to face tomorrow and can be mitigated by understanding exactly what you’re up against.
Cloud Scale® security and Achieving Compliance
Cloud Scale® Inc, cloud based encryption technology will provide robust compliance solution for data protection by never using clear text even if it is being prepared by a third party . From the moment of its generation it will remain encrypted during transit, processing till storage.
There will be no loss of data or information or any other operations performed by the application during re writing of functions with Cloud Scale® Inc’s security solutions.
Since all organisations want a cloud environment that should be – hybrid, open, secure, manageable and multicloud. Cloud Scale® Inc works on a compliance solution that will assure the protection of customer data and applications. Our cloud platform is featured with layers of security throughout network.
To achieve compliance for an organisation that works on Cloud, an organisation itself also holds a responsibility for ensuring security controls and managing them. Cloud Scale® Inc provides security services and capabilities to meet the organisation’s responsibility as an occupant of a cloud platform that can be integrated with Modern Enterprise DevOps processes for achieving a confident cloud journey.

Dr Nandita Walia
About the Author- Nandita, is Co-Founder and Cloud Evangelist at Cloud Scale Inc. I have vast experience in Information Technology , project and business management. Over the last 10 years I have contributed in building niche innovative solutions like- artificial intelligence based solutions, control-plane for Multi Cloud deployments.